The GRETB Community Education service offers support to community groups by provision of grant funding to deliver community education courses based on learner need/interest.
The purpose of the Community Education Grant Scheme is to promote and/or develop community education initiatives in local community settings. The Community Education Grant Scheme seeks to create opportunities for people to identify their learning needs, learn in their own communities and to support progression routes from this important

base in the community, thus engaging communities in a process of empowerment and change.
To involve those who are most excluded in community education courses in order to build their confidence, to empower them as individuals to participate in education and help in the development of their community.
To ensure the
most excluded communities take part in community education initiatives;
To empower and build people's capacity to participate in education initiatives and community life;
To encourage progression for groups or individuals where this is appropriate;
To gather information and research to feed into models of good practice and allow for information sharing;
To encourage learners to understand the social and political environment in which they live.
- Early School Leavers
- Long Term Unemployed
- People parenting alone
- Substance Misusers
- Migrants/Asylum seekers/Refugees
- Unemployed Sessional/Seasonal Workers
- People with a Disability
- Ex Offenders
- Members of the Traveller Community
- Homeless
- Older People
- Low skilled people outside the labour force
- Disadvantaged Men and Women particular those living in isolated areas
- 18-25 Years old out of education
- Other groups you deem eligible
Successful applicants will receive a grant allocation to help cover the cost of the courses agreed with the service. Groups will be responsible for the employment of a tutor and all other aspects of course organisation. Funding can cover:
• Tutor Costs (min 70% of grant allocated must be spent on tutor fees);
• Room Hire;
• Materials;
• Publicity;
• Refreshments.
- Sourcing and payment of tutor to deliver agreed course.
- Identify the learning needs of the group members.
- Promote and recruit eligible learners for the course, all of whom must be over 18 years of age.
- Source venue and materials for the course.
- Work with the tutor to ensure that Registration Forms and Roll Sheets are completed
PPSN, Date of Birth, Educational status and Economic details, Further Information and Signature are required for all learners to ensure registration. Participation will not be allowed without the above being completed.
- Support and follow up with learners not regularly attending the course.
- Comply with all relevant Health and Safety legislation. All GRETB funded activity must be carried out in compliance with relevant Health and Safety legislation including arrangements in relation to the venue, tutor, participants and visitors.
- Comply with all relevant fire safety legislation and procedures.
- Provision of a starter pack including registration forms and roll sheet and all relevant documents to the community group.
- Meet with the community group to discuss content, timing and duration of programme/course.
- Follow up with the community group to ensure all paperwork is completed and returned.
- Release the funding once all paperwork is returned. (Please note funding is only released once all paperwork is returned and income and expenditure form is completed and checked)
The grant is available to community groups for the purpose of community education which are led by volunteers and working with adult learners 18+
Volunteer led community groups
Adults with low or no formal qualifications
Established groups showing innovation in course selection and engaging new members.
The maximum grant available per group is €2,200.
If a group is successful, 100% of the allocation will be released to the group after all courses have been completed and all returns i.e. roll sheets, registration forms and income and expenditure sheet have been submitted.
An EFT (Electronic Funds Mandate) form must be submitted each year with each application.
Failure to complete these records will impact future funding.
Groups not listed in the target groups
Youth Clubs/Groups
Sports Clubs
Community centre assets/ materials such as computers, cookers, tables etc;
Books and publications
Repeat funding of groups for the same activities; such groups need to identify progression routes for participants or clearly illustrate that new members are being engaged in such courses;
Courses which can be funded from alternative sources
Training centres currently receiving funding from GRETB.
Canvassing in any form will disqualify Community Groups grant application.
Proposed tutors cannot be members of the applicant group or committee, this is deemed a conflict of interest and will disqualify.
Proposed tutors cannot apply for funding, this is deemed a conflict of interest and will disqualify.
Incomplete applications cannot be accepted; all applications must be received within the stated deadline.
GRETB's position with regard to the tax affairs of voluntary bodies receiving grant aid:
The Revenue Commissioners require organisations receiving between €635.00 and €6349.00 to acquire a tax reference number if they do not have charitable status. This is obtained by contacting the local tax office. The telephone number of the District Tax office is 091 563041 or Lo Call 1890 777 425.
Voluntary organisations must submit a tax reference number.